Mentoring helps you grow as a person and become the best version of yourself. This may involve helping you achieve your personal or career goals, introducing you to new ways of thinking, challenging assumptions, sharing valuable life lessons, and much more. Mentoring empowers the mentee and assists them to access resources from their own context or externally.
Mentoring can be short term or longer term.
Mentoring for Christian Leaders
“Character-based spiritual formation is the essence of all discipleship and leadership.”
Keith Farmer
We believe that “what we do comes out of who we are”. One of the keys to longevity in ministry is having mentors who we trust and who will ask us searching questions. It is all too common to see Christian leaders not go the distance because of burn out or poor choices. Mentoring encourages leaders to prioritise an intimate relationship with God and to care for themselves and those closest to them. For those who are married, couple mentoring is an option.
Sessions also provide regular time to discuss the joys and challenges of life and vocation You may find it helpful to visit vision, strategies, processes or team dynamics with someone outside of your organisation.