It seems strange to write this at the beginning of February but it's what I keep hearing. “I’ve just come back and I don’t feel refreshed.” “I’m tired” “I feel worn out already.” People are returning to work or school and they already feel like they often feel in the middle of winter. I need a real rest! Even more so if they are someone who cares for others, like teachers, pastors, and chaplains. (I would include healthcare workers however, I realise that many of them didn’t have the opportunity for a break.)
I don’t pretend to know all the answers but I would like to share a few things that I’ve learned and found helpful over the past few years.
Here’s the first one:
Carers are known for the compassion they show to others. They see others, notice their struggles, and give them the attention they want and need.
Dr Kristin Neff, author of "Self-compassion: the proven power of being kind to yourself", says practising self-compassion helps us to see ourselves clearly and “give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.”
Check out the free resources on
Test your level of self-compassion and try the exercises and practices.
You can only continue to show compassion to others if you take the time to care for yourself.
#self-compassion #selfcareisntselfish#hope#kindness
Thanks to Kaz White for sharing her pic.