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Philippa Fielding

Having trouble putting things into words?

Choose an object from the tray that represents how you are feeling about your work or life currently.

Sometimes it can be hard to put into words what is happening in our lives. When we choose an everyday object like a pen, a shell or a pair of scissors, as we reflect on the object and why we chose it, we may find ourselves articulating thoughts and feelings that were subconscious. As we hear what we say, it resonates and develops our self-awareness.

Psychologist Daniel Goleman identified self-awareness as being made up of emotional awareness, accurate self-assessment, and self-confidence. One of the aims of mentors and coaches is to assist you to build awareness of self including your strengths and limitations. They help the person they accompany to have a realistic sense of their abilities and self-worth. This is crucial for those who care for others, for the well-being of those in our care and for our own health.

Do you have a coach or mentor, someone who regularly asks you questions that help you build awareness? Someone who can ask you the hard questions about how you are really. Someone who will notice when you are not okay. Someone who will offer you a safe space where you can be seen, heard and valued.

For a free introductory session with a coach, mentor or Professional Supervisor go to

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